Genius Guerilla marketing techniques

  5 August 2018       Marketing

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What is guerilla Marketing?

Geurilla Marketing has been around for year. It's only recently however that it's become popular. It is essentially an advertising strategy which allows the most creative among us to advertise our products at a very low-cost. It usually involves using the landscape or physical structures to incorporate your design into the public eye without having to use conventional advertisements such as billboards and bus shelters.

Have a look below at my favourite ones from around the web and please feel free to post any link to others in the comments section. Enjoy!

1: Macdonald's - Zebra Crossing

Macdonalds Zebra crossing

Feel hungry?

2: Copenhagen Zoo - Bus Ad

Python crushing a bus artowrk

Bit of a squeeze!

3: Kit-Kat Bench

A bench that looks like a Kit-Kat

Have a break

4: IWC Watches

Hand holds shaped like watches

Try it on!

5: Visa Card - Train Ad

Visa card on train

The fastest way to pay!

6: Superman Movie - Lift Ad

Superman opening lift door

This one is genius!

7: Durex - Funny Toilet Ad

Durex ad

There's really nothing to say about this

8: Ikea - Subway Living Room

Ikea furniture on subway platform

Just a casual living room in the subway

9: FedEx > DHL

Fedex lorry taking over DHL lorry

A sly dig at DHL

10: Jeep Parking Space

Jeep parking space

Smooth ride!


Marketing, Geurilla marketing, Fun, Clever marketing, Streetart, Design

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